When I am in the field searching for compelling compositions, I am often looking for subjects with a strong graphic nature, balanced with an airy spaciousness. Without the space around the form of the primary subject, things can quickly get busy and muddled, and the subject fails to stand out and shine as the star of the show. That’s never good.
Most of my photographic path revolves around water as a primary or secondary element. I love to work around the ocean because it brings me to a feeling of peace, but it also helps to strengthen my images. Through the use of long exposure, as in the Day Study above, the now-smooth water presents a clean surface for the light to reflect off. This adds a greater sense of spaciousness and helps bring balance to the scene. The tree is remaining as the star that it is and there are no distracting elements competing within the frame.
In the same way that I create spaciousness with water using long exposures during daylight, I often photograph at night to create spaciousness using darkness. In the Night Study here, the near blackness of the ocean and darkened beach creates space for the form of the tree to stand out and shine as a compelling element. The wispy waters on the beach, soft reflection and starry sky become secondary cast members and help to back up their lead actor.
Same primary subject - very different results.
As a photographer, my primary objective is to create photographs that have depth and mood. Images that draw you in and sensitively hold your attention, while evoking some sort of feeling-based response. I find these subjects from that same sort of place. I wander and explore endlessly, trying to observe while present and aware. When I come across a subject that naturally draws my attention and evokes a feeling-based response within, I know I have a spark. Then the work begins in attempting to make that small spark become a fire warm enough for you to enjoy too. In the process of working with this subject, I have made two images that I am happy to share. Hope you enjoy.