Every time I visit Japan, I am filled with a sense of calm. Perhaps it is the attention to aesthetic detail found in everything from the architecture to the food to the shoes lined up by the front door.
This appeals to me as a visual artist who sees the world in a graphic and elemental way. I think it’s the same reason why poles in water always capture my attention. The contrast of strong vertical lines with gentle waves helps me make order out of chaos.
I imagine a musician might feel similarly about music notes on a page. But of course, even the gentlest tune may come from a tumultuous journey.
Although I immediately saw the potential stillness of this shot, it was a challenge bringing it to life.
It took me a while to fine-tune the composition so that it felt orderly. Eventually, I arranged the elements so that the poles fit nicely with the quiet mountains in the background.
The lake looks still in this image but there were actually quite a few fishermen cruising around the lake in their boats. This created waves that moved the poles and made most of my 2-minute exposures blurry.
Eventually, though, this image emerged and I knew it would fit perfectly into my Space and Solitude portfolio, which shows how soft tones and peaceful images have their own voice.
For me, there is no greater joy than happening upon scenes like this, where calm and order emerge out of the chaos of life.