I grew up surfing next to the Scripps Pier in La Jolla....rain, sun, big surf or glassy barrels - that is where I spent my childhood.  I also have competed in Kona and Maui in the triathlon World Championships....lots of blood, sweat, tears and elation has been spent on the Hawaiian Islands for me. Your photographs bring me back to places where I have been the most happy in my life.  I can sit and look at your work and it is like I am right there under the pier or sitting on the beach.  I can almost feel the warmth of the sun through your photographs. Now that I am living in NYC I love having your artwork in my home.  Your work has given me a sense of peacefulness and calm which is so rare to find in a city that never sleeps. Thank you for all of your beautiful photographs.  I always look forward to seeing your new work.

Liz Vitai - New York, NY

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